You will learn French efficiently, combining language, culture according to your needs, in a friendly environment and will improve your ability to communicate in social and business situations. I had to learn English myself and understand your efforts learning French!
Private or small group workshops. Please follow the link for details: Workshops
Group and Private in Martha's Vineyard, USA
I'm very pleased to be back in my adoptive country, in US, for scheduled workshops. In Martha's Vineyard. I offer small groups and private classes to adults and students to help them in their studies, as well as younger learners. And if you have little time, you could try my special whorkshop: "Françoise's essential French language tourist kit".In MV, I have also taught also my workshops at Featherstone Center for the Arts in MV.And finally as a special MV option, you can schedule your French conversational class on the 26’ private charter boat “Le Bonheur” and enjoy at the same time the beautiful island and ocean. We will just have to contact the friendliest Captain on the island with the number of people attending for price and schedule.When I'll be back to France in Nice (French Riviera), you will have the option to continue your lessons, scheduling distance learning sessions, through Skype and e-mails. Thank you to contact me with the dates you would be interested to register, the number of people willing to attend, and levels.